Confession, sometimes I do not take my own SEO advice. Because, flat out ---my advice takes work, work I can not justify, if my work is not making money. Which is something else to consider, if your site is not making money or satisfying it's purpose than what is the point?
Here are five naughty SEO habits that I have lazily adopted (that you should not):
1. Fail to do keyword research. How people will find you is based on what people look for. If you have not done your keyword and marketing research you are just writing and banking on random luck.
2. Random ads. I put ads in my blog for companies that I like or have had first hand experience with. But they are hardly on topic and are not audience specific.
3. Have not networked. As of yet, since this blog is still in its infancy, I have not networked. But if you are serious about your site, links in and market buzz is crucial.
4. Bad url name. It is helpful if your url uses relevant and search able words. My blog comes up number one if you type "seo jive" into Google, but since nobody knows what seo jive is, it is entirely useless.
5. Not enough time investment. The best bloggers I know spend quite a bit of time on their blog. Not just writing, but also researching and networking.
Author: Pamela S. Stevens, SEO Jive